Symposium in Wrocław
Since few years the commission of biomedical engineering of Wrocław PAN have been organizing science meeting “Sympozjum Współczesna Myśl Techniczna w Naukach Medycznych i Biologicznych” (Symposium Modern Think of Technology in Medical and Biological Sciences). Current...
Scientific Conference: Patient’s Safety and Health Care Professionals Management – International Experience PIKMED is a pan regional organisational structure. It is a partnership between corporations operating in the medical and health protection sectors. This...
Workshop in Dresden
Our team have participated in workshop in Dresden in the field of innovative solutions in the courtyard of medical imaging. We have presented solutions and further ideas. We had the opportunity to listen to many experts and learn about other innovative solutions. We...
Again in media – Teleexpress and TVP Wroclaw, Polsat News, eska
Again in media – Teleexpress and TVP Wroclaw, Polsat News, eska After the great victory in Munich, in the MICCAI competition, more and more often we hear about us in media. All thanks to a system recognizing and diagnosing changes in the brain. The inspiration to...
Polish Radio Wrocław about support the diagnosis of brain cancer
Polish Radio Wrocław about support the diagnosis of brain cancer Polish Radio broadcasted a short reportage about the support IT systems in the process of cancer diagnosis. Wroclaw Stermedia company is developing a system that will facilitate a diagnosis of brain...
First news and yet first success
MICCAI 2015 Cancer Center crew have been taking participation in two MICCAI 2015 competitions in the field of “Imaging & Digital Pathology”, used in cancer diagnostics. We wish to inform you that our team have won 1st place in the competition in the Combined...