We won PETSEG challange!

We won PETSEG challange!

It’s good news: Our team won PET segmentation challenge using a data management and processing infrastructure! Automated segmentation of PET images for the delineation of tumor volumes has been the focus of intense research efforts for the last few years. There...


Our team have released our new software package for tumor delineation in PET images. It can be found at github.com/stermedia/SterSEG. Package has been developed in python.
Cancer Center are going to the MICCAI 2016 in Athens

Cancer Center are going to the MICCAI 2016 in Athens

We are goint to Athens and present our results in challenges: PETSEG: PET Segmentation Challenge Using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure The PETSEG challenge will provide a comparative study of a range of state-of-the-art algorithms for PET image...
Symposium in Wrocław

Symposium in Wrocław

Since few years the commission of biomedical engineering of Wrocław PAN have been organizing science meeting “Sympozjum Współczesna Myśl Techniczna w Naukach Medycznych i Biologicznych” (Symposium Modern Think of Technology in Medical and Biological Sciences). Current...


Scientific Conference: Patient’s Safety and Health Care Professionals Management – International Experience PIKMED is a pan regional organisational structure. It is a partnership between corporations operating in the medical and health protection sectors. This...