European Oncology Convention was a success in 2019, with the 1,700 visitors, made up of radiographers, radiologists, oncologists, consultants, and pioneering researchers created a quality visitor base that filled the halls throughout both days of the event. The European Oncology Convention was a unique opportunity for clinicians to gain free CPD accredited education and access to truly cutting edge technology across the prevention, treatment, diagnosis and care patient pathway. 150 innovative exhibitors all displayed the best in products, services and technology that will ensure better outcomes for the clinicians using them. The pioneering researchers and clinicians delivered seminars and masterclasses exploring the cutting edge techniques, practices, and tools being utilized by oncology experts.
Running alongside the Medical Imaging Convention (over 2500 senior clinicians, senior management teams and medical imaging professionals) and European Neuro Convention also introduced further visitors to the event, providing an even deeper pool of quality visitor for exhibitors to engage with. Neuro-scientists and neuro-oncologists, as well as consultant radiologists and mammographers, all found relevance at the European Oncology Convention. Show also contained the AI and Machine Learning focus area, which proved to be one of the most popular parts of the highly successful Convention 2019. This area included speakers from our business, talked on subjects surrounding the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the medical imaging field. Out team Piotr Giedziń and Michał Krasoń from Cancer Center, spoke about deep learning in Oncology diagnostics:
Thank you and see you next year!