MedTech or TechMed?

We pondered this question at the “MedTech or TechMed? Driven by AI” conference, where we had the pleasure of being exhibitors.

The event, which gathered nearly 300 participants, delved into crucial topics such as the readiness of Polish hospitals for AI solutions, legal and ethical challenges, and preparing the future medical workforce. The discussions were filled with emotion and inspiration.

Innovative tools were presented, like Periscope (from, which predicts post-operative infection risks, demonstrated how AI can revolutionize healthcare by improving patient outcomes and streamlining processes.

At, we are digitalizing the cancer diagnosis process and enhancing it with artificial intelligence. We are proud to have been part of this event and to share experiences with other industry leaders.

A big thank you to Wroclaw Medical University and Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny im. Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego we Wrocławiu for organizing such an insightful and inspiring event! Here’s to a future where AI enhances healthcare for everyone!